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Bite and Blossom

Sundew - Drosera

Sundew - Drosera

Regular price $29.99
Regular price Sale price $29.99
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  1. Dew-Like Traps: Sundews are known for their sticky, dew-covered tentacles that trap and digest insects, a mesmerizing process to observe.
  2. Learn with Us: Each Sundew comes with access to our exclusive members-only area for in-depth video tutorials on care and maintenance, enhancing your plant-keeping skills.
  3. Secure and Safe Delivery: Our specially designed packaging ensures your Sundew arrives in impeccable condition, ready to thrive.
  4. Intriguing Gift Choice: Ideal for those who appreciate unusual, eye-catching plants, a Sundew makes a unique and thoughtful gift.
  5. Responsibly Grown: Our Sundews are cultivated with a commitment to environmental responsibility, ensuring no harm to natural ecosystems.
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